How Do Women & Men Do Social Media Differently? [Infographic]

I’m continually fascinated by the difference between men and women. (Being married has a way of keeping the fascination front and center.)

My copy of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is still on my bookshelf joined by other favorites like “The Male Factor” (Shaunti Feldhahn) and “Master Plan” (Jane Hansen-Hoyt). One of my favorite video clips of all time is Mark Gungor on “Men’s Brain/Women’s Brain”. (f you have 5 minutes, this is fall-off-your-chair quality laughter.)

It comes as no surprise that men and women “do” social media differently. One thing you can be sure of – we’re all on the social media train together.
(Click HERE for details on the Social Media Momentum Locomotive that is boarding now.)

Some of the statistics in the Infographic below might surprise you. Other facts – like the average time spent per month by the average user on FaceBook is 405 minutes vs. 17 minutes on LinkedIn – are not so surprising.
Did you know that 64% of the user base of Google+ are men and men spend more time watching YouTube videos than women? Read on…

Social Media Infographic

Thanks to for the great infographic

Get on Track and Gain Social Media Momentum! Join me for a  Lunch & Learn, FREE Webinar/Teleconference,
Wednesday, October 30th. Details Here Or just get with the program (all registrants will receive the recording.)


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