Faith at Work in 2021
Friday, January 8th 8:30-12
Panama City, FL
Registration: $47
Location: New Church, 3317 New Church Rd
Presenters: Beverly Lewis, Renee Byrd, Susan V. Carroll, Esq., Dr. Debra Williams
- Solidify your identity and calling as you launch into this next critical season.
- Become 100% engaged in God’s purposes.
- Experience a shift that will position you for progress without the pressure & stress you’ve operated under in the past.
- Realize what has held you back and what will truly motivate you through your open door.
- Begin a new updated goal setting process to create a clear strategy to access the compelling future God is showing you.
- Connect with others to build relationships that contain and support the agenda of God
- Learn a process for productivity that will facilitate cash flow and financial stability.
- PLUS: An opportunity to receive prophetic ministry
You are invited to bring a bag lunch and stick around for a casual time of conversation after the workshop.
Registration is open at 8 AM for a prompt 8:30 am start.
Seating is limited because of social distancing. We will observe safe protocol and those in attendance are requested to wear masks.