Finally! Now You Can… Release Your Message,
Create a Movement, Change Lives AND
Produce Profit … even if…
You Have Felt Overlooked, Ineffective and Unqualified
These principles have helped dozens of clients
escape the frustration of being stuck along the side of the road,
eating the dust of those who are surging ahead,
into the delicious satisfaction of SIGNIFICANCE,
Join us for the Bold Message Immersion Weekend in Atlanta
Dear Future World Impactor:
Do you have a desire to help others build success out of what sabotaged you?
Is this you?
Going out of your way to help people get results and then noticed it was bringing people such LIFE, maybe you should take the time to write down some of these strategies?
Wanting to understand powerful strategies on how to attract clients but not wanting to come under “new-age” or greedy business coaches?
Desiring to communicate the practical steps Christ has given you so that you can glorify Christ with your resurrection story?
Struggling to find the deepest and boldest identity zones you bring others transformation through?
Not knowing how to harness idea’s for video’s, blogs and journaling into a result-driven product?
Feeling as if you’re holding yourself back from really impacting people on a larger scale but you just can’t put your finger on why?
Would you like to learn how to create a success system for other’s in just one hour a day, 5 day’s a week?
Have you been told by your Pastor or ministry leaders that you have an apostolic call of God on your life and you need to be multiplying your identity?
Do you want to learn how to market your own brand & close authentically, even with no experience or pressure tactics?
Would you like to develop your own content by receiving input and tweaks in a positive, team environment before you put it out there to the worldfor EVERYONE to see?
Would you like to be able to spend time completely hidden a way for a couple of days and then have the subsequent accountability until you get your world changing message out and finish it…COMPLETELY?
What about being able to use my resources to get it printed and your first coaching group or discipleship group launched?
If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then here’s the solution:
Join us for the Bold Coaching & Writing Summit… and when you’re done, build your name brand with monthly accountability in a team environment!
What are People Saying?
Becky & Beverly Walk the Talk & Deliver What’s Promised!
When I signed up for the group with Becky and Beverly, I mostly needed encouragement doing all the things I had been told to do to grow my business. That included making videos, promote using social media and start doing workshops.
I knew my purpose, but fear sometimes outweighed my faith. That was before teaming of course. Now, thanks to this team’s leadership, I promote my work on social media often. I wrote a blog that included a video and made it public, and I now conduct workshops on a regular basis.
Becky and Beverly’s teams live up to helping you stay passionate and profitable because the workshops are truly a passion that is turning into revenue-generating opportunities. – Jill Cox-Cordova, Write Avenue
Fortunate to Have Gotten the Best Coaches…
Before I joined the Message to Movement program, I was struggling with clarity about what my message is and who needs to hear it. Now I am clear on who my ideal clients are which is very empowering for me. It also gives releases me from the burden of trying to take my message to a broad range of people who aren’t ready for it or interested.
This program was packed full of very helpful information and practical steps for moving towards launching my message covering topics like branding, marketing, websites, creating workshops and teleconference calls. Becky and Beverly have years of experience in these areas and gave valuable input on pitfalls to avoid, sabotages to success and many helpful resources.
I feel so fortunate to have gotten the best coaches from the start of my journey. It is clear that Becky and Beverly truly care about me and are committed to my success. I loved having prayer as part of the program — that was invaluable!
I felt like the team format contributed just as much as the materials we covered because I learned so much from other team members, and it gave a sense of comraderie, fun and partnership. – Angela Karum
Message To Movement – You Had Me at Hello
I decided to sign up for the Message To Movement class to develop clarity and focus. The name of the program itself spoke to me.
I have been sitting on a fence for a long time, knowing things to do, but just not having the “boldness” to step out. Determining our “why” or message and then seeing it go into a movement is a really stirring and motivating program.
My consulting company is called Focus Business Services. This program has given me a template to follow to create my brand and I am looking forward to focusing on this, more deeply.
I see 3 major differences that distinguish Beverly and Becky from other coaches. It’s the prayer support, the faith and the dual team. I personally liked getting two perspectives on things….it has helped me with choices. With a multitude of counselors there is safety. I loved also having the other team members and their messages as part of our homework, etc. Everyone’s ideas have given me so much hope, encouragement and strength to continue! – Marlene Hoenig
I Grew My Professional Online Presence…
As a member of the Passion to Profits group, I grew in expertise and understanding of the importance of a consistent and professional online presence. Each month’s focal points were great places necessary to provide a foundation that is the underpinning of our individual heart passions/businesses. I grew in confidence because of the expertise in each platform, and the faith Becky and Beverly place in each one of us to reach our dreams.
I would recommend this to anyone who endeavors to grow what is in their heart. Passion to Profits is a safe place to explore, invest, grow, share, and be real. It is a great place to learn the foundational keys to business launching and personal professionalism! Above all, I loved the prayer times as they were used in such powerful ways in all of our lives to watch the Kingdom come! Thank you for everything! ~Becca Wineka
More Than I Bargained For – Dramatic Progress for Me!
I enrolled in the Passion to Profit group out of a need to learn the “how” of establishing an online presence and to have a group of people I felt accountable to. I received far more than I expected!
Passion to Profits mobilized me, reminding me “I can do this”, and showed me how to navigate the social media scene. I learned the basics of creating a video which until the group was daunting. I have incorporated Facebook, Twitter and am using Hootsuite.
A bonus: with encouragement from Becky I completed a 5K walk in September, something that felt so far outside of my capability earlier this year because of health challenges.
What I learned was to take consistent steps, no matter how tiny, consistent steps. Across the board, in all aspects of living, take daily consistent steps.
One of my absolute favorite times was praying with women from across the country on the 4th Friday of the month … Both Beverly and Becky are powerful prayer warriors and that has no price!!! This is a great beginning step and I would and have recommended it to anyone wanting to get started, or who needs an encouraging push. I am looking forward to the next step. ~ Deborah Penner
There Was a Missing Piece They Helped Me Find
I signed up for Passion to Profits because I felt there was a missing piece in showcasing my expertise so I could make some money from it. I have learned a lot every month, especially tips about LinkedIn and using video to grow. I also enjoy the group interaction which has been supportive and educational. I would definitely recommend Passion to Profits to entrepreneurs and coaches taking their first steps in building a social media and online presence.. -Sharon Hurley Hall
Great Leaders, Teachers, and Prayer Warriors
I have loved the group led by Becky and Beverly. Besides the effective breakdown of each topic, the
support from each group member has been awesome. Becky and Beverly are great leaders, teachers, and prayer warriors for the group. They were able to make learning and growing fun and easy to implement in my business.. I would not hesitate at all to recommend that someone sign up and participate in the group. ~ Betsy Jennings
Business and God – What an Awesome Combination
Working with Becky and Beverly is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before – business and God – an awesome combination. By working with them it helped to propel me into motion. It really helped me to put the scripture “faith without works is dead” into action. The women involved in the group were smart, insightful, inspiring and anointed. So many wonderful ideas and so much encouragement flowed amongst the group. Group think is POWERFUL. I received greater clarity and an actual starting point to my business/ministry. This is what I needed. What I love most about Becky and Beverly is there forthright, tell it like it is style that is so lovingly filled with grace and love. This helped to propel us all forward toward achieving our goals. You ROCK!!! ~ Jocelyn Hairston
Stellar Results
The POWER and collective INSIGHT of a team…are aspects I’ve rarely experienced professionally, and never with the kind of STELLAR results that your team made possible for me. One additional element that I’ve never had with previous coaching is the prayer support and intercession. I’m convinced that it, above all else, is responsible for the breakthroughs I’ve been experiencing. Wins from the Team include:
* The courage to listen to God’s leading rather than my own fear.
* The ability to recognize my own sabotages.
* The counsel on how to take new ground in my business.
* The strategies to be able to sustain it
* The feedback from a diverse group of business people.
* The encouragement of fellow team members.
* The prayer support and intercession.
Thank you for everything.
-Monica Hall, Digital Diva, Multimedia Marketing