
The Secret to Staying Motivated

 Getting what you go after is success; but liking it while you are getting it is happiness.

In this day of social sharing, it’s easy to think everyone else is always up, always winning, always passionately pursuing their goals and celebrating their beautiful life.

We live behind the scenes and see the mess and feel the frustration of the process. You are not alone.
If you are not on track, you can get there.  I work with leaders, and I daresay you are one, or you wouldn’t have found your way here.

This LEADERSHIP MANIFESTO will be emailed to you in a downloadable format you can print out and put it somewhere you can see it until you believe it.

Lead from Within

Do what you love and do it often. Learn.
Know you’re hardwired for connection, curiosity,
and engagement. Be intentional. Crave purpose. Have a deep desire to create and contribute.

Be Courageous

Listen to others without being offended.
When learning and work become impersonal, when you’re seen for what you produce and how you perform—know the cost is high. It means you
disengage and turn away from the very things
the world needs from you…

Talent, Ideas, Passion

Life is Short. Live Your Dream.
Believe. Love. Hope. Give.

Dare Greatly

This is a 30 minute message. You can play it online or download the mp3 to listen as a podcast below.

AUDIO ONLY (The window above is the webinar with slides)

If I can serve you in any way – I want to hear from you.
The Best is Yet to Come!

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