Have you hit a wall with your business, career or calling? In spite of clear vision, passion, long hours, persistence and tenacity, your spark just won’t seem to catch fire?
If so, your story may be strangled under the overgrowth of media, messages and information that goes and grows, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in our over-stimulated culture. We live in the most distracted culture in history.
Is it possible to break through the noise so that your message is heard? The good news: it’s possible. And the even better news: you already hold the key to breakthrough- you just have to learn how to use it.
Those Who Have an Ear to Hear…
One summer evening in Florida, my friend Peter was leaving a dinner party with a small group when he suddenly stopped in the path, straining to listen. Wondering what he was doing, a friend started to speak when Peter quickly silenced him with a hand motion, standing in rapt attention. After a few moments of curious silence, Peter informed the group there were 18 kinds of crickets to be heard right there in that yard. No one else had even noticed the crickets, much less the distinctive chirp of different kinds. But Peter, a graduate student in entomology at the University of Florida, had a keen interest in crickets and his hearing was tuned to discern sounds no one else could hear.
You don’t need everyone to hear your message. You only need certain ones to hear it – those you are destined to serve – those who are interested and are attuned to your sound!
It’s highly likely your are under-utilizing your strongest asset.
How to Be Heard Above the Noise of the Crowd
Tell your story. There’s power in it. But only if you know how to articulate it clearly and to the right people.
Everybody has a story. But only a fraction of people are prepared to tell it. The question isn’t whether you are capable. The question is this: are you willing? Dare to prepare it.
“There is no greater agony then bearing an untold story inside you.” -Maya Angelou
Join me this week for a FREE Lunch and Learn Session: “Telling Your Story to Make a Difference”