“The Storyteller whispered the story so long ago that sometimes we think it is only a dream. The words and the music that once roared with the sea, flew with the wind, vaulted over the canyons, and hung upon the stars with such abandon are still there, though the echo and even the remembrance of them at times has grown faint.” This is where it begins, with The Storyteller.
I can’t recall a book that has brought me to tears on the very first page.
Until The Storyteller spoke.
This book sings. Imagine opening pages and hearing a song so poignant that birds hush their singing to listen. The closest thing most can imagine is the tinny sound emanating from a microchip in a greeting card. Until The Storyteller sang.
I will interview Kathryn White, author of The Storyteller this week. I can already tell you that her story will stir you to hope, rouse you from your dreaming and cause you to discipline your disappointments. It will challenge you to rise up and get your message out.
Kathy will walk us through the practical advice of what to do if you want to be a writer. How do you edit your work? How do you go from the creative process all the way to publishing? And how do you get it all done when you have four children and a full-time job?
Dream with me for a moment.
What if – suddenly – you had the time to do what you’ve longed to do? To pursue the dream that is burning in you – the one that makes your heart purely ache with longing.
Would you write the book?
Compose the song?
Build the business?
Start the non-profit?
Travel to the place that beckons?
If you join me as I interview this talented, authentic and lovely author, you will be one step closer.
The Storyteller has a lesson for you.
Be Brave. Listen and learn.