On a recent morning run, I decided to take a different route than I usually do. I continually want to stretch the boundaries in every area of my life, so off I went.
Not far onto an unfamiliar road, I was humming along, finding my rhythm, when I was startled by two snarling beasts. Okay, it was a shepherd mix and a pit bull mix but they were aggressive and threatening. I didn’t have any pepper spray or even a stick within reach, so I decided to press on with an authoritative, friendly and confident demeanor.
The good news is that they seemed to buy into the fact that I had as much right to be there as they did and they yielded.
For leaders, there are daily occurrences when you have a chance to back down and turn around in the face of obstacles, or you can act bolder than you feel and press on. In the case of mean dogs, I’ve always been taught that if we show fear and flee, you stand a really good chance of getting bit. I think the same is true when we aren’t courageous when confronting obstacles in life.
There are three simple reminders I gained from my encounter with the unfriendly beasties.
Standing Firm in the Face of Intimidation
1. Courage is all about stepping into situations you aren’t comfortable in with an expectancy that you’re going to be the victor in the situation. Optimism is the foundation of courage.
2. Whenever you’re going to the next level, expect obstacles.
3. The only way to really win a fight is to not get in it.
And of course, I was reminded that when we choose to walk in our bold, unique identities in the pursuit of our goals, the snarling beasties will capitulate.
No one owns all of the market. There’s room for you. Run, baby, run.