en·tre·pre·neur·ship (n) one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.
I may have owned my first business for 5 years before I learned to spell my name.
It’s even a little hard to pronounce since it was first coined by the French economist, Jean-Baptiste, in the early 19th century defining “one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediary between capital and labour”.
I’ve come across some awesome and inspiring descriptions of entrepreneurship, posted by students and friends of the #1 college in entrepreneurship education as rated by U.S. News & World Report for the past 18 years, Babson College.
If you could use a reminder of why what you do is important, read on…
Entrepreneurship is…
The process of managing and leading change. Entrepreneurship is spontaneous creativity in the form of passionate pursuit for a unique purpose without any concern of resources that you currently have.
A student from Mexico says, “It’s a way of life where you drive your own future and the future of our world.”
Entrepreneurship is character to innovate what exists and create what does not.
Entrepreneurship is having a relentless passion and the guts to pursue it.
Entrepreneurship is a pursuit of opportunity and exploration of the unknown to create value.
An entrepreneur is a business designer who sees what there is and what could be.
Entrepreneurship is a combination of risk taking and inventive capabilities, while constantly producing and inspiring.
Entrepreneurship is the act of aspiring, perspiring and inspiring!
“Entrepreneurship is an art of identifying opportunities and steering them to your advantage by employing creative, innovative and practical approach in your businesses”, offered by a graduate student from Pakistan.
I believe Entrepreneurship is a calling. Those who hear the call and respond are the people I work with every day.
My favorite definition describes the call and defines the people who respond to it…