Motivation is part of the tagline for my business, so it’s a word I live with.
Why are you working 40 hours a week for an organization?
Why are you getting up early every morning to run?
Why are you working at a job , then coming home to spend nights and weekends building your own business?
Why are you driven to do your best; to BE your best?
Because you’re motivated. Why?
One thing is certain: Any price is too high without a reason why.
I recently experienced a shift regarding my fitness goals that caused me to take a fresh look at what “clicks” inside when we get really motivated to take action. A number of factors coincided to bring me to a major decision to train for a half-marathon. I think it was a combination of dissatisfaction and desire.
Discontent is not always a bad thing; it can push us to change.
One day, something rose up in me and I decided to tackle a “BHAG”. That’s a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
I have never been a runner. I exercise regularly but it’s what I call “wogging”; a combination of walking and jogging. So when I entered my first 5k race this month to get a sense of what running is all about, it was a new experience for me. I loved that it was called “Race Judicata”, sponsored by the local Bar Association, as a play on the words in the legal term, Res Judicata. The meaning is, “it is decided and not to be brought up again. It’s settled.”
So it’s settled. 2013 will be a year of a new level of fitness for me.
In my mid-fifties, I’ve noticed I have to fight harder to keep extra weight off and sustain my strength, flexibility and balance. Truth is, that wasn’t enough motivation to provoke me to action. The news that our 4th grandchild is on the way provided a big spark. All of these little ones are under the age of 4 and it takes a whole lot of energy to take care of them. I want to keep up! Hearing my friend who’s 8 years older than I tell of recently completing her first half-marathon was another spark. If she can do it, why not me? And then there’s my friend, cohort and fellow coach, Becky Harmon, who coaches teams to do half-marathons and who’s urged me for years to get in the game. All of those sparks, and now I’m aflame.
So, my friend, what’s your BHAG this year?
I’ve noticed when you pursue the desires within you with diligence and persistence, you think more highly of yourself. And that’s just one of the points I’ll be making in this week’s Tele-conference: How to Be a Person Worthy of Your Own Respect. Click Here for Details It’s free, but likely to be worth more than you imagine.
Great inspiring article Beverly! The new level of fitness is intriguing…Congrats on your 5 k marathon and your grandchild on the way. Wishing you tge best in training with Becky. Health wealth and happiness to you and your family.
Great inspiring article Beverly! The new level of fitness is intriguing…Congrats on your 5 k marathon and your grandchild on the way. Wishing you the best in training with Becky. Health wealth and happiness to you and your family.
Congrats Beverly on your 4th Grand Child. And on your running a half marathon. More powerbtobus in our 50’s.
Thanks for your comments, Bonnie and Jeff. Interested and reading your blog, “MidLife Celebration”. Indeed it is. Better than I expected – should have believed my mom who told me “Your fifties will be fabulous!”