
Influence: An Important Tool For Successful Leadership

The ability to influence is an essential leadership skill. The dictionary defines influence as “the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command”. Effective leaders influence without being dictatorial. When a leader inspires a group of individuals to work toward the achievement of a common goal …

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Leading During Extreme Change

  Extreme ChangeThree hours on the afternoon of October 10, 2018, changed everything for this little city I call home. Mighty oaks that have stood through hundreds of storms couldn’t withstand the power of Hurricane Michael. The incessant roar of the wind deafened the sound of giant trees crashing all around as we crouched in a …

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Thrive Not Strive

Thrive, not strive is my new mantra. Rise and grind is how tons of people start Monday.  Rush, work, and strive through pressure, stress, and frustration. If this sounds all too familiar, it’s time to make  room for thriving and flourishing. How can you shift negativity into motivation? Wouldn’t it be grand if instead of …

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